Saturday, April 16, 2011

Set Back or .....

  I set this blog up awhile ago and never got started on it. I planned to use it to track my weight loss journey and keep myself accountable. No better time than now to get started. I started weight watchers and love it. I am still trying to get into my groove with it. I struggled choosing btwn WW and Clean eating and decided Clean eating on WW was best because when I choose unclean foods I can still stay accountable and I wont feel like I "messed up".
  I started out trying to do Insanity and P90x lol. I am not anywhere near in shape to do either one of these programs. Then I had the nerve to try a hybrid lol. Don't get me wrong I think these 2 programs are phenomenal. I plan on completing both in the very near future right now however I need to get into the habit of exercising. That's what works for me, building up.
  Sooo I found a gym with am daycare I got my son (20mnths) used to the providers. Met with a trainer got a plan set up. Stopped drinking got focused excited motivated ready to gooooo! Then .... I was in an car accident ;-( and my shoulder, neck and lower back hurt I am under a Dr care and cant workout right now. The frustration level is HIGH right now. I have a choice chuck it all and start again when I am cleared to work out (old mentality) OR I can make a change right here right now!!!
  So I pledge to me to get WW under my belt. to plan my meals and enjoy the food I eat to make healthy choices try new recipes to get emotional eating under control to figure this part out. I kinda feel like God is saying first things first. My pattern has been to try to do everything at once and accomplish nothing.I Cant keep doing the same thing and expect a new result.
  This is my journey, the good the bad and the awesome. I am going to have great days and not so great days but everyday is a new day and I will take it 1 at a time.