Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today is November 1st and for me it was suposse to be the start of something great. P90x and eating healthy on weight watchers and more movement/ walking.  It started off great..then I went out unprepared got hungry, actually ravenous and I ate the closest thing to me (my 2yr olds holloween candy). Great, I messed up I should probably wait until after the holidays anyway right? NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO. I always do that, start over some later date. I have to learn not to beat myself up and not to put it off. I messed up ok lets bring the rest of the day home strong!
My goal is to loose 10 lbs this month, do p90x everyday starting today AND follow weight watchers afterall its 80% what you put in your mouth right? 10lbs may be alot to expect during turkey month and the holidays but it is important to me to go into the new year on track not starting out on the resolution band wagon. That has not worked for me. I would love to loose a total of 20 lbs by new years but its really not a numbers game for me right now. The most important thing for me is to get up daily and push play (thats p90x talk lol). Count my point and stay motivated!.
  I weigh in tomorrow and although I am not ready to post my starting weight I will post my .... no scratch that this is about accountability for me so yeah I will be posting my start weight tomorrow and updating it weekly!